Sunday, November 29, 2009
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Missing Forever
I feel lost,
I feel hurt,
I feel angry,
It ruined my life,
I'm ashamed,
I'm broken,
I'm confused.
Why must this happen to me??
You thaught me to be a good child,
you told me to do 'this'..
to do 'that'...
not to do 'this'...
not to do 'that'...
You said so yourself,
you want me to grow up to be
your-so-called successful human.
Ya right...
What about now??
you cause my life to be like that,
I'm gonna leave,
I'm gonna show you,
I still can continue living.
My life, my choice,
all I need right now is the support from you guys,
It happen all of a sudden,
without a sign,
no warning,
I need you guys to move on.
I'll move on.
Posted by Evelyn at 5:52 AM 0 comments
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Going to play basketball with friends on Tuesday.
Have to wake up very early...
He he...
Wan Shin is gonna be my alarm clock...
the last time when we were gonna go out to play basketball,
I never wake up,
couldn't get off that bed,
I kinda blame myself for that...
Promise you guys,
I'll wake up this time...
I'll try.
Posted by Evelyn at 6:39 AM 0 comments
Thursday, November 19, 2009
I'd rather drink out of the toilet than having holiday
I don't wanna be at home.
I can even count how many times I can cry in 1 week...
I don't want to cry,
but I can't find a way to express my feeling.
If I want to play the piano,
mum for sure say cannot,
I cannot lock myself in the room,
I don't want to go out from my room with a certain reason!!!
Anytime I just step out from my room,
I'll for sure get scolded.
Still need to deal with that stupid brother,
I'd thought dad not being at home will be at least a good thing,
turns out the same...
But I'm happy,
cause my brother got only 2As...
and other Cs...
Instead my mum wanted to buy him a laptop,
for what???
so he could ruin my life,
so he could show off,
so he could ruin another laptop like he did to mine last time...
Ya right.
I can't wait till my dad come back home,
and gives me something to do,
he always ask me to do things,
by that time,
I'll even forget about all these thing.
Posted by Evelyn at 4:18 AM 0 comments
Monday, November 16, 2009
Holiday stinks
4th day of holiday is already getting on my nerves.
When I couldn't sleep,
I'll just think of you guys,
I miss you guys,
Chloe, Jin Yee,
Amanda, Wan Shin, Jenny,
Teddy, uncle...
At times,
I just feel so boring,
I'd rather sleep forever and never wake up.
All I have are my brothers bugging me around,
at least my dad is in Shanghai,
I have my freedom.
Posted by Evelyn at 10:14 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Hyper Day!!
I'm so happy today...
Go to school watch 2 sides,
each someone I love,
playing basketball.
Jenny, Amanda, Wan Shin, Teddy,
these are the 4 person I support.
feeling bored...
just feel so happy.
Amanda ROX!!
Jenny FLY-S!!
Wan Shin's COOL!!
Teddy CUTE!!
too bad,
they lost,
but they had fun...
And then later,
we went to canteen,
Went to Wan Shin's house after that.
I'm just so happy.
Posted by Evelyn at 7:03 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
11 November 2009
Everyday gets more boring,
I wish they'll treat me better,
I wish they'll know how I exactly feel,
I wish everything will change and she's with me again.
I miss her so suddenly,
how she use to be so kind to me,
how she use to understands me,
but now she's not with me,
don't feel like moving on......
Posted by Evelyn at 7:35 AM 0 comments
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Saturday, November 7, 2009
The 4Ps
BFFs 4ev@
XD haha
=p muacks...
Posted by Evelyn at 8:53 AM 0 comments
Penny... O.O
Properties Of Penny:
Penny is a kind girl.
And of course...
loves cat
Penny's love on stage:
Stepping into a room...
where someone will be on stage singing,
and no one cares about him,
just listen to him singing.
When she enters the room,
the only person who caught her attention..
is him.
All the while,
he was looking at her,
they caught each other's eye
and stayed there for a moment,
they were like the only person in the room.
Suddenly the music stops,
people exchange gaze,
and only realise...
the him in the stage,
is as charming as a prince,
" I don't think I can continue cranking up this party...
if I do not have you singing with me..."
pointing at her...
In an instant,
she was standing right next to him,
feeling her hands on his,
wishing that he is the person she will be with forever.
And he have to be.
She wants him to sing for her every single night,
tucking her into bed,
making her safe and warm,
that's all she ever wants...
from a guy.
Pussy lovely
XD haha
Posted by Evelyn at 7:23 AM 0 comments
Friday, November 6, 2009
Pam... Ted
Properties Of Pam:
-music lover
Pam likes a guy who doesn't care about a girl's outlook,
but the inside.
Pam's music of love:
Locked in a world of parental control.
Playing music for her sake,
the only thing she'll enjoy,
is music.
But her life is banned from music,
she was lost,
One night,
she woke up,
in a room of darkness,
hearing music from somewhere in the dark,
the place was empty,
when she found a door to a room.
She opens the door into a room,
listening to the music,
her tears roll down from her cheeks,
she thought,
no longer darkness,
but sun shining down on her.
In the center of the room,
there he stands,
waiting for her,
the only person who would understand her,
the only person she need,
he will be the one...
who she need to live on.
supports her in what she likes.
He holds out his hand for her,
a silver cord joining them...
He hold her close,
promise her that he'll stay forever.
looking into his eyes,
feeling the warmth he'll bring to her.
forever... remember
Pam curiousity
=p muacks...
Posted by Evelyn at 11:30 PM 0 comments
Pat... Cal.
Properties of Pat:
-strong (erm... both mentally & physically... i guess)
Pat's love in the air:
Pat dreamt of someone...
In a place,
where she don't need to hide how she feels.
And that's when that guy,
he comes around...
the music plays,
and he ask her for a dance.
She felt herself floating up into the clouds,
dancing with him flawlessly.
And suddenly...
She tripped,
and found herself in his arms,
looking into his eyes,
knowing he's the one.
She wants him.
Wanting to hold him closer,
and dance there forever,
floating in the clouds.
She promise that she'll never forget that moment,
that place was her dream,
it's her heaven,
where she found him,
If the dream is going to be over,
she'll see him in real life,
they were just meant to be...
Pat romance,
Posted by Evelyn at 10:56 PM 0 comments
Pyx... SD
Properties Of Pyx:
Pyx is a kind girl,
it's very obvious from her name.
In her life,
all she wants,
are friends who are trustworthy.
Pyx's love:
Ever saw a guy from somewhere,
when you know he will be yours
and he have to be yours??
Pyx was celebrating her birthday with her friends in a restaurant,
she enjoyed her day,
a lot,
when suddenly...
there comes the guy of her dream,
walking in the restaurant...
he was just the right guy for her,
she realise that she did not fall head over heels for a guy before,
but she just did...
in an instant,
she felt that there were only 2 of them,
in that room.
he's the type of guy,
who she knows...
He is right for her,
she knows,
he'll be someone...
that she'll trust...
till the end,
they were meant to be,
in this place,
this only place when she
saw someone from her dreams
Pyx got it good...
And from that on,
that will be the
for Pyx...
Pyx Rox!!!
Posted by Evelyn at 10:37 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Conclusion to so called love story
At last Pussy wanted to stay true to her friends...
She didn't want to loose any of her friends.
She chose not to like that guy,
live a life without him...
She don't feel that it is a bad idea,
she likes it,
and her friends support her,
they will always support her.
Friendship is what a girl need.
" Pussy, we'll support you,
trust you,
love you..."
-the end-
Posted by Evelyn at 7:20 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Love Story
There was once a girl(name her~Pussy) who like a guy madly...
Let's call it THE GIRL 'LOVE' HIM.
She likes that guy for quite a long time,
she dreamt of him,
she talks about him in her dreams,
she worries about him...
whenever something happens to him...
she'll never forget him.
Every single day,
Pussy will try to see him, every hour, every minute...
She was dying to get him.
For her, that guy was everything she ever wanted,
his eyes, things making people curious about him,
the warmth whenever he's around.
She wants him, but she can't.
She didn't dare to tell him how she feels about him...
And one day, she heard from someone that...
someone else likes that guy.
what did the other girl do??
Let's just call the other girl ~ puppy
She wrote about him,
she cried for him,
she hurt herself for him...
All puppy wanted to do,
is to show other people how much she loves him.
Pussy was sad, lack of confidence, lost.
She told her friends...
that maybe puppy will make a great couple for him.
she said she wants to forget about him,
but at night,
she cried...
She couldn't forget about him.
He's the guy who she'll never forget,
different than the other guys that she knows,
he was the one.
But not know,
he's gonna be Puppy's.
Puppy was telling everyone she's close to...
that she is going to tell him how she feels about him.
Pussy was pretending she didn't care about anything that is going to happen...
but truly, she never gave up on him at all.
And to prove it, she promise her friends she will never like him...
Ever again...
Few days later, Puppy went crying all around,
telling her friends how he rejected her,
it became a rumor,
and Pussy heard of it.
Pussy was kinda happy, suddenly.
the happy Pussy who her friends never seen for almost 2 months.
But the thing is Pussy promised her friends,
that she'll never like him...
What will she do??
Will she break her friend's promise
and tell that guy how much she loves him??
Posted by Evelyn at 5:28 AM 0 comments
New Nick Name
New nick names for BFFS
Amanda ~ Doggie
Evelyn ~ Teddy
Jenny ~ Flyer
Wan Shin ~ Meow...
Best Friends Forever...
Posted by Evelyn at 5:06 AM 0 comments