? ??????????????Parental Advisory? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.4 (179 Ratings)??10 Grabs Today. 41408 Total Grab
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Thursday, February 18, 2010

Before going back home

Today's gonna be the last day we stay in Singapore,
b'coz tomorrow,

my aunt is gonna drop by,
and stay over night for 3 days.

Me, my brother, Gyan koko
woke up at 9,
because we're gonna go to PULAU UBIN.
At about 9.30,
Jace was already ready, and we 4 went to have breakfast at SUBWAY.

We took a boat to Pulau Ubin.

We rode around Pulau Ubin,
and we went to canoe around the swamp there.
We rode to and fro for about 2 hours.